Sunday, February 19, 2012

Web Conference - Saturday, February 4, 2012 - EDLD 5325 Instructional Leadership

I attended my first web conference for the Instructional Leadership course on February, 4, 2012 at 9:00am. Dr. Abernathy led the web conference, but Dr. Ataway was also in attendance. I found this web conference to be quite informative. The attendees were able to type questions and concerns over week three material, tk20, the Lamar Master’s program in general, graduation, the Lamar Competency Exam (LCE), Instructional Leadership Development (ILD), and the TExES Principal Exam. I felt that Dr. Abernathy and Dr. Ataway were able to answer all questions that were posed during the hour long conference. One question was about Action Research and within about ten hours of the web Dr. Abernathy had posted information about Action Research that was sent to her from another student. This shows just another way technology can help. The web conference provided us a time to get together and ask questions much like we would if we were attend on campus classes. The answers to the questions did not all come from the two instructors, the classmates were able to jump in and type answers which is great. We were all able to collaborate and share through this web conference. This was my first web conference for EDLD 5325, but not my first web conference. During EDLD 5397 Supervision Internship I attended all five weekly web conferences and learned how valuable they were. I had hoped to attend one web conference each week for this course too, but due to other obligations I have not been able to attend weekly. I do believe that web conferences are a very valuable tool.   

Monday, February 13, 2012

Technology Integration Action Plan

Assistant Superintendent  - C. Daniel
Carry out supervisory responsibilities for technology according to the district policies.
Evaluate, recommend and set standards for district hardware and software.
Determine curriculum and schedule professional development.
Campus Assistant Principals - Carry out supervisory responsibilities for technology on the campus; determine technology curriculum needs; evaluate and determine needed professional development.
Classroom Teachers - Integrate and use technology in the classroom; teach technology TEKS; attend technology professional development.
Campus Technology Paraprofessionals - Manage computer labs and all equipment; prepare technology lessons ensure technology TEKS are taught; assist with professional development.
Network Administrator and Technology Coordinator - G. Royar & P. Madewell - Maintain existing computer systems; consult with employees that are having technology trouble (hardware or software); integrate computer systems, and software; implement local area networks; assist the curriculum team with surveys.
Campus Technology Paraprofessionals - Manage computer labs and all equipment; assist and/or troubleshoot campus technology problems; assist with professional development.




Group and peer tutoring sessions where educators learn more ways to use Power Point and mentor each other.
Enhance presentations and increase student achievement
Group and peer tutoring sessions where educators learn more ways to use Excel and mentor each other.
Enhance presentations and increase student achievement
Group and peer tutoring sessions where educators learn more ways to use Mimeo and mentor each other.
Enhance presentations, differentiate the curriculum, and increase student achievement
Monthly meetings to share how we are using the iPads in our classrooms and so that we are able to learn new uses.
Allows an opportunity to share ideas for student, teacher, and/or classroom use. Ultimately enhanced student achievement
STaR Chart
Based on the results of the STaR Chart our technology committee will determine district wide and campus professional development.
The results are used in planning technology professional development.
The assistant superintendent, campus principal, campus assistant principal use provide needed professional development based on the analyzed data from the previous years’ AEIS reports
To improve the math, reading, writing, and science programs on our campus




Create PowerPoint lessons in the summer or after school during the school year with the help of a mentor

Peer sharing, lesson plans, and classroom walkthroughs from peers and/or principals

Create Excel lessons in the summer or after school during the school year with the help of a mentor

Peer sharing, lesson plans, and classroom walkthroughs from peers and/or principals

Create Mimeo lessons in the summer or after school during the school year with the help of a mentor

Peer sharing, lesson plans, and classroom walkthroughs from peers and/or principals


Peer sharing, lesson plans, and walkthroughs from peers and/or principals  

STaR Chart

Online district survey


Statewide testing results

Monday, January 30, 2012

Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020

As I have been reading and learning about the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 I have learned a great deal. The area that really caught my eye was, Educator Preparation and Development. I am currently a teacher, but hope to move into administration in the next year or two. As the teacher I do not feel as though I receive enough training on technology, so this was an area I wanted to dive into a little deeper. There are six sub-categories under this category. My current elementary campus scored “Advanced” during the 2008-2009 school year, but our score dropped to “Developing” during the 2009-2010 school year. Our scores for the 2010-2011 school year are incomplete, but the 2011-2012 show still at the “Developing” level. It is my opinion from randomly talking to colleagues that the scores in 2008-2009 were somewhat overinflated because the Star Chart Survey was new and not all teachers even understood the questions. I believe that we need to have more training in many if not all areas of technology. Even within the Microsoft Office bundle that is used on my campus only a small portion of the products capabilities are utilized. I feel that this is due to a lack of training and expectations for implementation. Plus we have many teachers that will just ask for the same type of help over and over. It is my opinion that at some point the teacher has to be given an assignment where they use the products that are provided. We are all busy, but it is our professional responsibility to learn, grow, and change with the times. This profession is moving towards being technology based and as educator we need to jump on board.